Friday, October 31, 2008

New Slang

I've been hanging around lots of non American English speakers. I've noticed they use some really good adjectives when describing things. For example the I was at a football game last night, we ran into a couple of people from our hostel near our seats. At this point I would probably say "Hey thats pretty awesome." Instead, "Wow this is legendary."
  • Some other examples
  • Epic - as in , "You should have been boarding here yesterday, it was epic."
  • Wicked - as in, "The breaks down there are wicked."
Try them out sometime.

Thats about all the slang I've picked up so far. Pretty pathetic.


Anonymous said...

Good on ya.
How ya goin?


Nozah said...

I enjoy the use of "fully" as an adverb. like, "I'm fully tired as the glaciologist's snoring kept me up all night."

Kate said...

I love to throw down a "this is going to be legendary!!"

it shoudl be immediately followed by jaeggar bombs/tequila shots and/or general debauchery :)

you're blog continues to be my #1 fav. are you sure you wont consider your hand at writing?