Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Its Movember

So theres this thing here in Melbourne called Movember. http://au.movember.com/ (I'm so seriously pissed that I didn't hear about this earlier that I almost don't wanna talk about it) The point is to raise money for charity, but I'm more interested in the fact that if you grow a mustache, you get free food throughout the city of Melbourne.

Thats right, lets get this straight. I've always wanted to grow a moustache, however I've never had the guts to face the public ridicule of actually sporting a stache in public. I'm not talking about the times that guys will grow beard, then shave everything but the stache, put on short shorts and some aviators and take pictures for a couple of hours to be funny. I'm talking about making a serious effort to sport a stache for up to and including 2 months. So as of November 1st in Melbourne, if you grow a stache, you get FREE FOOD at multiple restaurants. Its time to redefine the perfect "Win-Win" situation, because it just came here.

If you live in Melbourne in November, you get to grow a stache without being ridiculed, and you get free food. I'm on day 3, hopefully I can get something goin in the next 2 weeks.

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