Sunday, November 9, 2008

Operation survive in OZ = Success

I now have a place to live and a job.

I'm living 20 minutes outside the city in a house with a Malaysian architect named Ed. I looked at the room on Thursday. Moved in on Sunday, and was surprised to find he had purchased a hd flat screen. So I was able to watch Steelers vs Colts and Eagles vs Giants this morning in HD. (very Australian I know).

Also I start working tomorrow at the Accenture Melbourne office. I went and signed some papers with a contracting agency today, however I still haven't received word on what time to show up tomorrow. I said I assumed 8 or 8:30, but the woman said oh no, probably more like 9 or 9:30. Another great reason to love OZ, work doesn't start till 9.

My friends Micah and Nikki got here on Thursday. I've been showing them around the city. They decided to make a trip to New Zealand, so I'll be saying bye for a month or so, but they'll be back to celebrate Xmas in Melbourne. And I just received word that two of my students/friends from Japan are coming to visit me in December.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

we are ready for you to come home!!!!! (but glad things are looking up too=) love ya.